Healthy Sleeping Habits with a Pizza Blanket

Healthy Sleeping Habits with a Pizza Blanket

Sleep is important — but so are healthy sleeping habits. With a healthy sleep routine coupled with our unbelievably comfortable Pizza Blankets, you’ll be sleeping soundly in no time. More on our ridiculous Pizza Blanket later. We all have habits that we operate in whether we realize it or not. Some of those habits can be good and other times it sets us up for failure. Can you think of habits you have right now that you wish you could change? Everyone can probably think of at least one.

So here is your challenge: read through the following healthy sleeping habits and apply at least two to your nightly routine and see what happens. Incorporating two of these habits into your lifestyle may just help you fall asleep faster and have better sleep overall. Don’t believe it? Well, you’ll just have to try it to find out, won’t you?

Consistent Sleep Schedule

Have a consistent sleep schedule! This is probably one of the most important sleep habits you can have. You have a schedule for work, so have one for your sleep as well. If you have an ever-changing work schedule then this may be a little more difficult for you to do but that doesn’t mean that it is impossible.

Try and set a time every night for you to be in bed and a set time that you should be asleep every night. This way, your body is almost on auto-pilot and knows exactly when to get tired and can remind you, “hey, it’s time to go to sleep”.

Get 7-8 Hours of Sleep

Just as a sleep schedule is important — factor in that you need at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Did you know that the average person gets less than 7 hours of sleep a night? No wonder we are constantly tired and living off of overpriced coffee. We aren’t giving our bodies adequate recovery time and expecting them to work as if it does. Just like we make time for the things that are important in our life — prioritize rest, recovery, and sleep. To fully understand the importance of getting enough sleep, it's crucial to learn about REM cycles. Check out our article, 'REM Cycle Breakdown', for an in-depth explanation.

No Electronics

While your phone is a great tool, it’s not so great for sleeping. In fact, looking at your phone while scrolling social media can be damaging to the serotonin levels in your body that help you to sleep. This means you are tossing and turning throughout the night and missing out on precious zzzs. Set your alarm and put the phone away at least an hour before you are about to go to sleep — no mindless scrolling.

Get Moving

The more active you are during the day, the better you will sleep. Exhausting your body during the day is a great way to prep your body and mind to relax at the end of the day and will give you overall better sleep. So get those steps in and close those rings, because better sleep is calling your name.

Avoid Large Meals

Eating larger or heavier meals for dinner? Let’s shake things up a bit and go lighter and leaner at the end of the day. Eating heavy portions at dinner sends your metabolism into overdrive and will spike your body heat while you sleep. Raised body temperature at night means you are probably going for that one foot in, one foot out method in the middle of the night trying to regulate your body temperature. So to avoid the hot flashes altogether, try to avoid larger meals at night or eat them earlier in the day so it’s not as close to bedtime.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol will raise your body temperature every time. That nice warm, fuzzy feeling that you get when you drink it is great, just not when you are trying to sleep. If your body heat fluctuates throughout the night, you aren’t be able to sleep well. Try cutting out alcohol altogether or make sure your last drink is at least two hours before bed.

Create a Restful Environment

The space we sleep in should be special and comforting. So make sure that your brain can slow down and relax by creating a peaceful sleeping environment. If you want more tips and ideas on how to make your bedroom a sanctuary, check out our post Create a Peaceful Sleeping Environment with a Food Blanket.

Invest in a Good Pillow and a Food Blanket

You may be wondering how this is a habit…believe us, it is. It’s too easy to fall into the headspace of just buying a cheap pillow or blanket out of necessity. Shift your mindset into realizing that your pillow and blanket are investments in your health, mental state, and overall well-being. Are you looking for the ultimate blanket experience? Look no further than our famous pizza blanket! This premium cozy fleece blanket is soft, and lightweight and wraps around you like a warm crust - ideal for keeping you comfy during movie marathons or for a good night's rest!

If you’re not a fan of pizzas, and you find our pizza blanket distasteful, don’t worry, we’ve got many other funny blankets in store such as our donut blanket or human burrito blanket!

Use Bed to Sleep — Not to Work

Work stays out of the bedroom. For some people, this can be one habit that is really difficult to break (all my workaholics, raise your hand!). Your bed, and bedroom, should be a calming space, and work just isn’t that. Create the habit of keeping work out of the bedroom by making sure that all of your work is done either at the office or in another room of your house/apartment. And yes, this means no checking last-minute emails on your phone as well. Promise, it can wait 7 hours until you wake up the next day.

Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine addicts, let’s try slowing down on the coffee, especially the later it gets in the day. Not only will it make you more alert but it will also raise your body temperature while you sleep at night. Try swapping your coffee out for tea instead or even water (because in reality, we probably don’t drink enough).

The way to make something a habit is to continually do that thing for at least 30 days. Take two of the things out of this list and apply those things to your routine for 30 days. After that, this conscious choice turns into a healthy habit and will leave you set up for success and a healthier lifestyle.

Good sleep is an important necessity in our day-to-day lives. The way to set yourself up for success physically and mentally is to create space for you to sleep safely and soundly. Cozy up with your most beloved blanket, or treat yourself to an all-new pizza blanket and get ready for a blissful night of sleep!

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