Waking Up Refreshed with a Pizza Blanket

Waking Up Refreshed with a Pizza Blanket

There’s nothing worse than waking up and not feeling like you got enough sleep. The rest of the morning seems like a blur and all you want to do is stay in bed and snuggle with your warmest blankets for the next four hours. While this would be the ideal situation, to be able to sleep as long as we want to, it's sadly not the reality. Since we have to wake up at a certain time each day, how do you combat that morning fatigue even though you got to sleep? Let us help you with some tips and tricks on how to beat that morning grogginess and be ready to take on the day with gusto.

Practice Healthy Sleeping Habits

Set yourself up for success! Make sure you are getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night and have a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed at the same time every night is a great habit to introduce into your daily life. It allows your body to know when to get sleepy and gives you the opportunity to create time in your day to make sure you get enough sleep at night.

Have a Good Night’s Rest with a Pizza Blanket

An important part of feeling fully rested and energized is being able to enjoy a good night’s rest. Not only does the length of sleep matter, but also it's quality. To ensure an uninterrupted slumber filled with deep relaxation, create your ideal peaceful environment where you won't be awoken in the middle of the night. To create this ideal environment, you should check out Create a Peaceful Sleeping Environment with a Food Blanket for more tips!

One of the main key points is that you should have a blanket that will make you extremely comfortable and keep you cool… and our Pizza Blanket does just that! Keep cool and comfy in style with our Pepperoni Pizza Blanket! This soft yet cozy fleece blanket is incredibly lightweight and breathable, perfect to help regulate your body temperature during any season! Treat yourself to this giant pizza blanket and see for yourself just how comfy it is!

Avoid Hitting the Snooze Button

Plenty of people love the snooze button in the morning while others get up on the first ding. Did you know that if you wake up as soon as your alarm goes off, and you don’t hit snooze, you are setting yourself up for success? If you hit the snooze button and drift back off into sleep, you have a higher chance of being sluggish in the morning. So while those extra ten minutes sound tempting — it’s actually setting you back and making your morning routine more lifeless.

Drink a Glass of Cold Water When You Wake Up

As soon as you wake up, drink at least 8oz of ice cold water to make you more alert and hydrated. Most people don’t drink enough water as it is, so by making this one of the first things you do when you wake up (yes, before you reach for the coffee), you are setting yourself up for success.

Take a Cold Shower

Along the same lines as a cold glass of water, start taking cold showers in the morning instead of hot ones. While hot showers are luxurious and make you want to stay in the shower longer — that’s the problem. We’re not saying to take an ice bath or anything but the benefits are close to being the same. By taking a cold shower first thing in the morning you will be more alert, increase your blood circulation, and decrease the levels of CO2 in your body. If you’re brave and willing to try something new, a cold shower may be the key to a more productive and refreshing morning as it boosts your mood.


If you have extra time in the morning, try some yoga poses or stretching to increase blood flow and activate your muscles. If you get moving first thing when you wake up — there are fewer chances of you wanting to crawl back into bed. Getting that blood pumping is key to being able to feel like you can take on the day.

Avoid Sugar Until Lunch

While you are already on track to eating a healthy breakfast, try and avoid eating sugar until lunchtime. Eating sugar too early in the day is just asking your body to have a sugar crash. While a sugar crash is going to happen one way or another, it’s better for it to happen later on in the day when your body is more awake and alert.

Wait to Drink Coffee

While drinking coffee in the morning is second nature for a lot of people, try not to reach for it as soon as you wake up. For the brave ones, try and wait at least two hours after waking up before you reach for your first cup of coffee. This way your body is having to boost your energy level naturally (without relying on caffeine) and will keep you from a caffeine crash later on in the day.

Get Fresh Air

Fresh air will not only help you wake up in the morning but breathing fresh air can help your overall mood as well. For those of you that are stuck inside for work — fresh air is crucial. Give yourself at least 10-15 minutes outside in the morning (if you can) and watch that wide open space work wonders as it makes you more relaxed and refreshed in the morning.


Exercise is an incredible way to wake yourself up in the morning and kick even the slightest bit of morning blues. While it may take a conscious mental effort to wake up in the morning and get it done — exercising first thing in the morning is one of the best times of day to do it. Not only will it make you more alert, but it will also help increase blood flow and leave you feeling ready to take on the world.

Give Yourself Something to Look Forward To

Sometimes getting out of bed is hard to do and no tips or tricks are able to convince you otherwise. There are moments you are in a rough season and getting motivated seems impossible or you are just drained from life. Whatever the reason might be — it’s ok. If you are waking up in the morning and dreading putting one foot on the floor, try planning something for that day to look forward to. Schedule something that brings you joy. Maybe it’s planning to get ice cream after work or maybe it’s buying tickets to go see a movie with friends. Whatever brings you joy — schedule that into your day and keep that in the back of your mind. Give yourself a reason to get out of bed and embrace the things that bring you life.

Speak Affirmations

Along with doing the things that bring you joy, speak life over yourself. There are plenty of affirmations to speak over yourself and over your situation. Words have power and it’s worth a shot. Remind yourself that you are worth spoiling, that you are valuable, remind yourself that you are enough just as you are right now. Speak affirmations over yourself every morning and begin to watch your headspace begin to shift. It won’t happen overnight but everything begins with a step.

While getting good sleep is a large part of waking up refreshed, so is setting yourself up for success. Even just taking two of these tips can help to shift your mindset in the morning and allow you to feel more rejuvenated and refreshed than the day before.

Allow yourself to operate in healthy habits that benefit your body, mind, and emotions throughout the morning and the rest of your day. You are worth the investment — so try betting on yourself.

If you are looking so something to splurge on to bring you a slice of joy, visit our novelty food blanket shop. Our food blankets, especially our fan-favorite pizza blanket, are sure to warm your heart and keep you sleeping soundly.

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