How to Improve Your Sleep Starting from Your Bedroom

How to Improve Your Sleep Starting from Your Bedroom

Sleep matters. 

We can’t emphasize it enough, but it won’t be an exaggeration to say that your life depends on it. The higher the quality of sleep, the more it helps!

But what does sleep help with, exactly? 

Better sleep will give you more energy, reduce brain fog, decrease anxiety and depression, and boost your immune system.

When it comes to mental health and you don't give yourself enough high-quality sleep, your brain suffers. This increases your stress, mood issues, concentration problems and more. A lack of sleep can also take a toll on your judgment and perception. Have you ever felt unproductive at work after a late night out? Yep, that’s the lack of sleep affecting you.

Physically, on the other hand, a lack of sleep could be bad for your heart. Since sleep helps regulate your blood circulation and pressure, sleep deprivation could increase your chances of developing high blood pressure and could lead to heart complications or stroke.

To put it simply, a lack of sleep is terrible for your physical and mental health. 

Here’s the truth - making some changes in your bedroom, even very simple ones, can have a huge effect on the quality of your sleep.

So what can you add (or subtract) to your bedroom so you could get better sleep? 

Invest in where you lie down.

    This seems quite obvious, but what you might not know is that your old bed might not be the best anymore. 

    An old mattress could cause you to develop some sore muscles. Investing in a new one could improve your sleep by leaps and bounds! 

    There’s also the matter of a weighted blanket - the food blankets found in Cosseture are scientifically designed to allow for a more relaxing and restful sleep! Whether it’s our donut blanket, realistic pizza blanket, or our burrito blanket, you get the comfort that you want.

    Studies have also shown that these blankets are incredibly conducive for better, deeper sleep.

    Clean not just the bed, but the whole room

    Is your room a bit messy? Be careful, as this can mess with your sleep. How? Take your unwashed laundry for example. These clothing articles can be filled with germs and bacteria from the outside, and they could fester in there.

    Having a clean room means you have great air circulation in there, preventing unpleasant smells from entering your system. Once your room is clean, you can place aromas that help you relax and promote sleep. 

    Find a good, comfortable temperature.

    Studies show that the best temperature for sleep is anywhere between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Use your HVAC or your fan to keep you cool. As a bonus, these also provide you with sleep-conducive white noise!

    Once you got a cooler temperature set to your preferences, getting one of our food blankets will certainly help you feel cozy!

    Lights off!

    Intense lights can be distracting even with your eyes closed. These lights tell your brain that it’s still bright out and it’s still time for you to stay awake. 

    Even the light from your phones or laptops prevent your eyes from relaxing and could possibly keep you up hours past your bedtime. 

    Advisably, you can turn off your screens and your light 30 minutes before you sleep to give your body ample time to start relaxing.

    If you want to take control of your sleep hygiene, follow these tips and consider buying a high- quality food blanket from Cosseture, as these help promote landing and comfortable sleep all throughout.

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