REM Cycle Breakdown

REM Cycle Breakdown

You may have heard the term REM cycle but if you have yet to research what it is and how it works -- don’t worry. We did the work for you and all you have to do is keep reading to find out all you need to know about the way that you sleep and the best way to get the best sleep.

What Is A REM Cycle?

REM stands for rapid eye movement. When you sleep, your sleep time is divided into two different stages, REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement). Throughout your night of sleep, you are going from light sleep to deep sleep and the two alternate through the night. If you want to wake up feeling rejuvenated, the key is to get as much deep sleep as possible (aka REM sleep).

While you sleep, your body is alternating between a REM and an NREM state every 90 minutes. When you sleep, the REM cycle accounts for only 20-25% of that sleep and the NREM makes up the other 75% of your night.

What Are Signs That I’m In REM Sleep?

There are a few different things that will indicate if you are in REM sleep — but you don’t really know if they're happening…because you’ll be asleep. Unless you have a video camera or someone staring at you while you sleep, these signs will happen naturally without you even knowing they are occurring.

The following things will happen when you are in REM sleep: your body temperature will change, your brain activity will increase (this is where you would be dreaming), you have increased oxygen to your brain, rapid eye movements, rapid and irregular breathing, and increased heart rate.

What Happens In A REM Cycle?

Everything that was just stated above is things that can happen in a REM cycle sleep. While not all of these may happen at the same time, they all occur at some point. While your eyes are rapidly moving behind your lids, your heart rate is starting to increase, and your breathing becomes irregular in another wave of REM you could only have two of those signs and you might add on something else.

Does a REM Cycle Last All Night?

No, we actually go through multiple REM cycles in one night of sleep. On average, a grown adult goes through about 3-5 REM cycles per night, and with each cycle, it gets a little longer. If 20-25% of your sleep is REM cycle then you are getting peak sleep performance and are ready to take on the day like a champion.

How Do I Wake Up More Rested?

When you go to sleep and set your alarm, take into account your REM cycle. If you are waking up in the middle of a REM cycle, more than likely you will be waking up groggy and still tired. So try and plan your sleep time around the fact that every 90 minutes you go from NREM to REM. Try and shoot for waking up while you are still in NREM sleep and not in the deep sleep that REM gives us.

How Long Should I Sleep For With REM Cycles in Mind?

If you can — shoot for 7 ½ - 9 hours of sleep a night. This will allow your body to move through five to six full sleep cycles and allow you to wake up in an NREM state.

Why is REM Sleep So Important?

REM sleep is a must. When you are in a REM state your brain is able to not only process new information you gave it throughout the day but it can also consolidate it. REM sleep helps your brain with concentration (when you’re awake), and mood regulation, and it helps your immune system.

If you don’t get good REM sleep, it can compromise your immune system, leave your brain cloudy and disoriented, and it can block new cells and tissue in your body from growing. (If you have insomnia or sleep apnea, these can interfere with your body’s natural REM cycle as they cause you to wake up in the middle of the night.)

How To Improve Your REM Sleep

The best part about technology — is that there is always an app for something nowadays. There are multiple apps out there that will help you track your sleep, when your REM cycles are, and how much you toss and turn in the night. Measuring these things will help you to understand your body, and your sleep, and show you what may need to shift while you sleep (or before you fall asleep).

A REM cycle is an important part of your sleep. Whether it’s a full night's rest in your bed or a quick nap on the couch with your favorite blanket. Try and allow your body to get the rest that it needs by allowing your body to hit that deep state of REM sleep.

Improve Your Sleep with a Food Blanket

If you are having trouble falling asleep, check out Create a Peaceful Sleeping Environment with a Food Blanket for some tips and tricks on ways to fall asleep faster and with ease. One of those is, making sure that you have a quality breathable blanket like our Food Blankets to help regulate your body temperature and keep you cozy and warm. If you are on the lookout for cool blanket designs —  you need to check out our delicious-looking cozy fleece blankets! From a Pizza Blanket to Donut Blanket and Burrito Blanket - we’ve got it all covered in style! Enjoy comfort without sacrificing the sense of fun!

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