Take Quality Naps with a Food Blanket

Take Quality Naps with a Food Blanket

Everyone loves a good nap, but have you ever considered the ideal conditions for a quality nap? Let’s be honest. Sometimes those power naps just don’t cut it and other times those longer naps leave us more groggy than before we laid down to sleep. Then, there is the old debate on if a midday snooze is better or worse for your sleep and night. The reason that no one has ever been able to give a definitive answer is: everyone is different and naps based on their circumstances. So where is that sweet spot to make sure every nap we take is magical? Keep reading to see the best way to nap for you and how to make it lavish.

Types of Naps

There are four different categories for naps and all of them are based on how much time you have to spare in your day. While naps may seem like an indulgence, if you schedule time in your day for them then they can be a guilt-free luxury that will help you make it through the workweek. The different kinds of naps are:

The Brain Nap: 5-10 minute nap that isn’t full a “nap” but a mind relief from your present situation.

The Power Nap: 15-30 minutes which is more of a replacement nap to make up for minimal lost sleep.

Long Naps: 30-60 minute nap that helps to replace extended sleep debt you have carried from the night before.

Full Sleep Cycle: 90 minutes of total reset is more which is more for enjoyment and recovery than a convenient mid-afternoon snooze.

No one has all of the time in the world and in a society that is always pressuring us to go, go, go sometimes you need to just slow down. So while you read this, keep it in the back of your mind that it is ok to prioritize your rest! No matter how chaotic your life is, you are worth giving yourself space for rest. So, depending on how much time you have, figure out which of these four naps works for you.

If you want more in-depth explanations of these four different kinds of naps and their benefits, read our article Benefits of Napping with a Donut Blanket for the full debrief.

Figure Out Why You’re Tired

While naps are wonderful, (and would be amazing if there was a designated nap time during the day) unfortunately it isn’t always an easy thing to make daily time for. So instead of relying on a daily nap to keep you from being an exhaustion zombie, figure out why you are tired all of the time. Is it because you aren’t sleeping through the night? Are you not getting enough sleep? What is keeping you up at night and not allowing you to rest? To help you get the best sleep possible, we’ve put together a list of tips for developing healthy sleeping habits. Check it out in our article, Healthy Sleeping Habits with a Pizza Blanket.

Once you recognize the problem of why you are tired, (whether that be emotional, physical, in your control, or out of your control) then you can begin to try and make the changes needed to rest well.

Best Time of Day to Nap

Naps haven’t always had the biggest hype crew, mainly because it seems like a frivolous thing that no one can actually attain. The other reason is that napping has been said to hinder you from falling asleep later when it comes to bedtime. The key to taking that luxurious nap AND sleeping well at bedtime is planning the right time to nap.

The best time to nap is early in the afternoon; anywhere from 1-3 pm is the best time if you can make it happen. The reason is that this is usually right after lunch and your blood sugar and energy levels are beginning to decrease. Just know, the later you wait to nap, the more it will mess with your sleep when it’s time for bed.

Drink Some Caffeine

While this may sound counterintuitive, having a sip of caffeine before you nap can actually leave you more awake than just a regular nap. The caffeine takes at least 20 minutes before it fully kicks into effect which leaves you just enough time to get in the perfect power nap and wake up like a superhero.

The Nap Time Setup

To get the most ideal nap, follow these steps.

First, put away all distractions. This isn’t the time to scroll social media or catch up on texts — it’s nap time! So try and put your phone on do not disturb and ignore the electronic world. (Just don’t forget to set an alarm to wake you up from your sleep.)

Secondly, take your nap in a dark and cool place. This is going to help you to fall asleep faster and keep you asleep. If this isn’t possible, then try bringing an eye mask with you to block out some of the light.

Third, the shorter you keep your nap the more refreshed you will be (which is perfect for a lunchtime snooze). If you don’t allow your body to go into a deep sleep then you won’t wake up with grogginess later on.

Fourth, lay down. Whether this is by laying the seat back in your car, curling up in your bed, or nestling up on the couch. Try and lay down.

Fifth, get comfy!! If this means bringing out your favorite pillow and blanket then so be it. The more comfortable you are the better your nap will be. This is why so many of our customers are raving about their Food Blankets! Our Food Blankets are the ultimate combination of fun and comfort! Not only are these light, breathable funny fleece blankets incredibly cozy to snuggle up in, but they also come with cool blanket designs that all foodies will love. From a pizza blanket, a donut blanket, and a human burrito blanket - take a nap like you never experienced before with our delicious array of comfy huge food blankets.

When you grab your food blanket and set your alarm to drift off into dreamland, you're set to wake up feeling more refreshed and alert.

Benefits of Napping

Haters are gonna hate, but there are plenty of benefits to napping. Not only can naps help you to catch up on lost sleep, but they can also help your memory. While you are tired, you might be physically awake but your brain has kinda just turned off. Taking a quick power nap can turn your brain back on and allow the neurons in your brain to light back up to restore memory function.

Other than your memory, naps can help with your performance through the rest of the day. It has been shown to enhance your physiological awareness and performance. So if you feel yourself getting a little out of touch with the information at your computer, take a quick power nap with your food blanket and allow yourself a recharge to revamp your performance.

Napping can also help you be more creative at problem-solving and can boost your overall mood. Getting some extra precious minutes of sleep would brighten anyone's mood, so this alone should be the number one benefit of a midday nap.

The biggest obstacle to napping will be allowing yourself the mental space to nap. It’s having to give yourself permission to slow down in your busy life and prioritize rest. Once you have that headspace, it’s a lot easier to kick back, curl up with a comfy retreat blanket, and allow yourself 30 minutes of rest to help you make it through the craziness of life. You're worth it.

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