A Food Blanket is the Perfect Way to Relax

A Food Blanket is the Perfect Way to Relax

After a long day at work, our raving fans know that the ultimate relaxation is snuggling up in one of our unbelievably comfortable food blankets! While that is definitely one relaxing way to end the day, what other ways can you get good relaxation because not everyone has a food blanket?            

The Benefits 

            While relaxation alone is a much-needed tool at the end of the day, there are lots of benefits that come with it. Relaxation not only helps you to relieve stress but it has a few health benefits as well. Needless to say — relaxing is a must not a want! If you haven’t incorporated an hour of rest into your day then you may be missing a crucial hour that will set you up for success the next day. 

            There are plenty of ways to relieve stress and one of those is through relaxation techniques. There are a lot of relaxation techniques to choose from that can help with slowing your heart rate, lowering your blood pressure, helping to improve your digestion, and reducing the activity of stress hormones. 

            Living in a constant state of stress isn’t healthy for anybody — which is why relaxation is a must! 

Relaxation + Mental Health

            When you are in a state of stress, your brain functions at a different capacity than it does when it’s relaxed. Think of this as a fight or flight mode, a way of survival mode through your day. When your brain is under stress it operates in a position where you have to survive the day but by taking time to relax, you give your mind the opportunity to take a break from those immediate stressors. While it may not solve your problems, it will help give you some sort of relief for the moment and give your body a break to reset. 

            While relaxation is helpful for peace of mind it is also a benefit to your body as a whole. Allowing space for relaxation can help decrease the effects that stress can take on your mind and body. If you live in a continual space of tension your body will feel it — and nobody wants that to feel that all the time. 

            So, while sitting on the couch watching TV for hours can be one mode of relaxation, there are other ways that are a lot more beneficial to our mind and body. Needing some ideas? Then let’s go!  

Relaxation Tips 

Relaxation exercises

— Stress is stored in the body. So by walking through relaxation exercises with your muscles allows your mind to be released as well. Begin by relaxing your breathing, and start by loosening one limb at a time, eventually allowing your whole body to become flexible and release the tension your muscles have built up.

Deep breathing

— sometimes you just need to take a deep breath. If you need to count to three then do it, but sometimes deep breathing just allows you to have a sense of centeredness that is extremely helpful when it feels like everything is spiraling. 

Turn on some calm music

— do you have that nostalgic album that you go to every time you’re feeling blue? Turn it on! Or maybe just turn on some soft jazz, instrumentals, or possibly just some white noise. 

A Massage

— get a professional to release all of that tension from your body! Sometimes we all just need a little TLC and if we aren’t careful stress can be stored in our bodies. So whether you are getting a professional massage, calling your significant other over, or using a home massager do something to relieve the strain in those muscles. 


— Yoga has a specific mindset that you have to be in to be able to fully benefit from this exercise. Which makes it almost impossible to be stressed while you’re involved with it. Not only will you get a great workout but you will also have a worthwhile mind shift. 


— if you haven’t heard about essential oils at this point it might be time to do some research! Essential oils have been proven to have calming benefits (Especially lavender) that when inhaled help to relieve stress. 


— drink an 8oz glass of water! Chances are you haven’t had enough water today, and being stressed makes you forget common things that we’re supposed to do for our bodies. 

Take a warm bath

— sometimes you just need a good soak! Add in some bubbles, some lit candles, and a glass of wine and I guarantee you will be relaxed after 30min. 


— When stress is caused by something deep and emotional it helps to write out what you’re feeling. This helps you to be able to process it in an efficient way and fully feel the emotions. By writing out your feelings and emotions your mind is able to visualize the reasons for your stress and it gives you an upper hand in being able to combat it. 


— Meditation is a great way to bring your body and mind together. Meditating can give you a sense of balance, and calm, and helps to benefit your emotional well-being. When you refocus your mind and attention on a calm space, your body will react accordingly.

Take a walk

— if you’ve been stuck inside a building all day, chances are you need some fresh air. Our bodies were made to be outside but sometimes our schedules don’t allow for that to happen. So take a walk in the fresh open air and allow your body to recenter itself. 

Practice gratitude

— in the middle of all of the stress and the chaos it can be easy to forget the good things that are happening in our lives. When life seems too overwhelming, verbally state at least five things that you’re grateful for. Remembering the good things that are happening in our life is an excellent way of reminding ourselves that not everything is overwhelming. 

Watch a comedy

— there are sometimes that you just need a good laugh. So, pop on your favorite comedy, skit, or comedian and be thoroughly entertained and embrace those full belly laughs. 

Snuggles with a fur ball

— if you have a dog or cat waiting for you at home, give them a hug as soon as you walk in! Animals somehow always seemed to know when we’re having a bad day and know exactly how to love on us to make us feel better. So give your fur baby a hug and a good snuggle to let the stress fall away. 

Eat something!

— This is the perfect time to indulge in a piece of chocolate. When you’re under stress it’s easy to forget to eat sometimes so you might as well indulge in something sweet. So grab a piece of dark chocolate and a cup of hot green tea and relax on the couch. 

Snuggled on the couch

— speaking of the couch…. Snuggling up on the couch with your blanket is a timeless and efficient way to relax after a long day. Whether that is reading a good book or watching your favorite movie it’s better with a blanket wrapped around you. What’s even better is to wrap yourself in one of our ridiculous food blankets!

Enjoy your cozy night in with a food-inspired twist! Curl up on the couch under one of our delicious food blankets - from a sugary donut blanket to a cheesy pizza blanket and a mouthwatering human burrito blanket, these snuggly funny food blankets are made from breathable fleece fabric - sure to bring you extra comfort, relaxation, and fun! If you’re wondering if our Food Blankets are warm enough for the chilly seasons you can learn more in this article Is Fleece Blanket Warm Enough?

Being stressed in your day-to-day life is easy -- which makes relaxation a conscious effort, but it is an effort that is well worth it. Hopefully, one of these ideas or food blankets is inspiring for you to incorporate into your wind-down routine after a hard day’s work — you’ve earned it!!

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